
WEDNESDAY 24th JULY 2024 Our next event is Stay Ahead in Recruitment:  Enhance Your Skills-Based Hiring Strategies and I’m delighted to announce that our guest speaker is Terri Lewis, Head of Talent Acquisition at Ubisoft. Are you keeping up with the latest recruitment trends? Join our workshop to refine your skills-based hiring approach and stay at the [&

WEDNESDAY 7th February 2024 Our next event is all about Apprentices, and I’m delighted to announce that our guest speaker is Elaine Roy, Group L&D Manager with British Engines Group. Elaine will provide an overview and guidance on Apprenticeship recruitment,  where to start (the how’s and why’s)  including a plan of what happens when Apprentices

Thursday 26th January 2023   TALENT ATTRACTION !   Recruitment Network North East is for Internal Recruitment professionals across the North East with the aim of creating and growing our specialist network, sharing ideas and best practice.   The venue will change for each event  at locations across our region, meeting quarterly, in person and […]

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